Celebrate the new Baby arrival with Birds Baby Shower Favor!
Items Used to make this the fridge magnet:
- Round Cotton Pads
- Black Craft Beads
- Small Magnets for Crafts.
- Craft Ribbon Bows
- Pen
- Need and Thread
- Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors 
Body Felt Bird
You need a piece of felt:
Draw the bird, cuts, sews and stuffing.
Wings Felt Bird
Cuts the felt, sews and glue at Body Felt Bird.
Eye, beak and decorations.
· Black Craft Beads to make eye.
· Orange felt to make beak.
· Craft Ribbon Bows to make decoration.
There you have it! A cute little
Felt Bird Fridge magnet!!!
The joy of having a child is like no other…
Every child is a gift from God!!!